Course website and syllabus:
Quick Links: Schedule | Assignments | Blackboard | Design Blogs
To give you a feel for some of the different perspectives in HCI, readings for the course come from various texts as well as research articles. All readings are available on Blackboard. There is one required text:
Title | Authors | Publication Information |
The Design of Everyday Things | Donald A. Norman | Basic Books, 1988; 2002 |
Please see the bibliography for further details on the readings.
The majority of the assignments are building blocks of the quarter long project developing an application for a mobile device that has support for gps, accelerometer, wi-fi, graphical display and sound, in other words, the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. The focus of the project is the design process, rather than building a robust application, and emphasizes working with users at each stage of design. The assignments are designed to not only introduce you to different design techniques, but also develop skills you would use as an HCI practioner or researcher: collaboration (including division of labor), writing and presenting. After the first assignment, you will form project groups that you will work with for the remainder of the quarter. Deliverables for each assignment will include a proposal for division of labor (due by the next class meeting after receiving the assignment), group written report, group class presentation and an individual reflection. Your audience for the reports and presentations will be someone who knows about usability engineering but is not familiar with your particular project. Assignment descriptions, detailing requirements and deliverables, will be linked to each assignment below. Read each carefully, as they may include additional due dates for email approval of your plans for the assignment. I will also hand-out and discuss each assignment in class the day the previous assignment is due.
Division of Labor: For each group assignment, you must propose a plan for division of labor - who will do what on the assignment. You can come up with the plan as a group, and I will let you know if I see any problems. Division of labor proposal is due, via email, by the next class meeting after the assignment is handed out.
Individual Reflections: Your individual reflection should be a minimum of one page (single-spaced, two pages max) and detail, from your prespective, what each team member, including yourself, contributed to the assignment, what each team member did well, and what each team member could have done better and how. Also discuss what you did well as a group, and what you could have done better as a group and how. You reflection should also include how you would divide up an imaginary $500 bonus to your group and why. The individual reflection will be taken very seriously:
Grading: Your individual grade on each group assignment will be comprised of 50% of your group's grade and 50% of an individual grade. It is my expectation that these grades will be the same. However, your individual grade can be different (lower or higher) if there is compelling evidence that it should be. Groups where one or more individuals' grades are different will be required to meet with me prior to the next class meeting after receiving your grades. If all team members are not available for 15 minutes at some point during my office hours, please email me with any and all times you would be available for 15 minutes.
The ability to work in a group is needed for almost any project you work on in life - be it professional or "for fun." People often assume that it is obvious how to work in a group, but group work techniques can be learned and developed. One of my goals is for you to leave this course understanding how to successfully work with a team on an HCI project. These policies are designed to help you work successfully as a group and for me to assess your team dynamics and help you if there are problems.
Handing in assignments: Your presentation will be at the beginning of class the day each assignment is due. A hard copy of your written report is also due at the beginning of class. Finally, an e-mail (to: containing your written report, in Word or .rtf format, and your presentation, in Powerpoint or .pdf format, is due by 20 minutes prior to class (2:45pm). Your individual reflections can be e-mailed; no in-class hard copy is necessary.
Design Blog: In addition to the project, you will also keep a weekly design blog and read and comment on your classmates' design blogs. Please read the details in the assignment description. Blogs are due Mondays before class.
Late Assignments: Due to class scheduling, presentations must be given on the day they are due. Missing a presentation drops your grade for the assignment 1 full letter grade (eg. your max grade is a B). Written reports, individual reflections and division of labor proposals turned in late will drop your grade for the assignment one full letter grade per day. For example, reports handed in after 2:45 on the due date, but before 2:45 the next day have a max grade of B. Late blog posts are not accepted - if you post after 2:45 on Monday, that blog entry counts for the next week.
Attendance and Participation: Finally, class attendance and participation is a critical component of the course. Contribute to class discussions, ask and answer questions during lecture, and participate in design exercises.
Assignment | Goal | Individual or Group | Grade Weight | Due |
Project Assignment 1: User Observation |
Identify a context that interests you and uncover user needs, goals, artifacts and usage patterns with an eye towards understanding problems and revealing opportunities for design. | Individual | 5% |
W 9/15 |
Project Assignment 2: Requirements Analysis |
Understand the people, technology and physical, as well as social, context that play a role in the problem area for which you are designing. | Group | 10% |
W 9/29 |
Project Assignment 3: Conceptual Design |
Generate a huge body of design ideas for your problem area in a systematic way. | Group | 10% |
M 10/11 |
Project Assignment 4: Paper Prototype | Try out and test different design scenarios. | Group | 15% |
M 10/25 |
Project Assignment 5: High Fidelity Prototype and Evaluation Proposal |
Develop an initial prototype of your system, design the goals, questions and protocols for your study, and pilot test your plan. | Group | 15% |
W 11/3 |
Final Project Assignment: Functional Prototype, Evaluation and Proposed Re-design |
Carry-out an evaluation of a functional prototype of your system and propose changes based on the results. | Group | 25% |
Finals Week T.B.D. |
Design Blog | Open your eyes to good and bad design, and generate discussion that applies reading and class content to real world design examples. | Individual | 10% |
Mondays before class |
Class Participation | Contribute thoughtfully to class discussions, in-class exercises and presentations. | Individual | 10% |
each class |
Class participation is a critical component of the course and attendance is mandatory. Please discuss any necessary absences (eg. athletics, religious holidays, emergency, illness) with me prior to the class meeting. You may be asked to make up for missed material.
Students with Disabilities
It is the policy of Union College to make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. I encourage students wtih disabilities to make an appointment to meet with me as soon as possible to discuss accommodations that might help facilitate your learning. You will need appropriate documentation from the Student Support Office. All discussions will remain confidential.
Academic Integrity
Scholastic dishonesty is misrepresenting someone else's work as your own, which is a form of stealing, and will not be tolerated. You are responsible for reading and understanding Union's policies regarding Academic Conduct in the student handbook ( If you need help understanding how and when to cite sources, please see me.
Note: Subject to change. Be sure to check for updates at:
Note 2: If a reading is not linked below, it is available on Blackboard.
Date | Topic | Reading | Assignments due |
M 9/6 | Introduction & Design Process | ||
W 9/8 | Requirements Analysis Part 1 | Norman Preface (2002 Edition), ch 1; Nielsen sec 1.3; Sharp Ch. 7, pp. 498-499, 515-517 | |
M 9/13 | Requirements Analysis Part 2 | Moggridge pp. 667-681 | |
W 9/15 | Designing for People |
Norman ch 2; Gaver (1991); Lidwell pp. 82-83 | 1: User Observation |
M 9/20 | Conceptual Design Part 1 | HCI Handbook pp. 1010-1013 (Exploring the Design Space - Contracting the Design Space); Cooper ch 5 | |
W 9/22 | Conceptual Design Part 2 | Cooper ch 6 | |
M 9/27 | Designing for People | FOR THIS WEEK'S BLOG, find, read & write about a conference article regarding an input and/or output technique - due 24 HOURS BEFORE CLASS (2:45 on Sunday). Please send a reference to the article to me by FRIDAY 9/23. READ your classmates posts by class. Conference suggestions: CHI, Interact, Interaction Design and Children, SIGGRAPH, etc. Email or see me if you want help finding or choosing and article. | Special blog assignment! Due 2:45 on SUNDAY! |
W 9/29 | Inputs & Outputs | 2: Requirements Analysis | |
M 10/4 | iPhone Development 101 | TBA | in class: Lab 1 |
W 10/6 | iPhone Development 102 | iPhone Human Interface Guidelines and Learning Objective-C: A Primer optional: iPad Human Interface Guidelines readings available at: | |
M 10/11 | Prototypes | Moggridge pp. 683-723; HCI Handbook pp. 1013-1021 (Prototyping Strategies and Rapid Prototypes | 3: Conceptual Design |
W 10/13 | Evaluation 1 | Norman ch 5; Nielsen p. 20,, | |
M 10/18 | Evaluation 2: Experimental Design | Nielsen ch 6 (up to 6.9) | |
W 10/20 | Evaluation 3: Analysis and Presentation | Sharp ch 8 (up to 8.6) | |
M 10/25 | Ethics & Design: Introduction* | Friedman ch 13; Friedman, Kahn & Borning (2002); Feng (2000) | 4: Paper Prototype |
W 10/27 | Ethics & Design: Participatory Design* | HCI Handbook ch 54; Druin (2002) | in class: Lab 2 |
M 11/1 | Presentations of prototypes and evaluation proposals | ||
W 11/3 | Ethics & Design: Ethics in Social Technologies* | Bos, Olson, Gergle, Olson & Wright (2002); Hancock, Toma & Ellison (2007); Sharkey & Sharkey (in press) | 5: High Fidelity Prototype and Evaluation Proposal |
M 11/8 | Ethics & Design: Universal Design* | Lazar (2007); Meyers & Wobbrock (2005); Tartaro & Cassell (2008); HCI Handbook ch 23; Foucault, Russell & Bell (2004) | |
W 11/10 | Design reprise, discount usability, and HCI Research | Nielsen p. 224 (table 10), sec 1.4 | |
W 11/17 2:30-4:30 NWSE104 (PASTA lab) |
Final Presentations | 6: Functional Prototype, Evaluation and Re-design Proposal |
Beaudouin-Lafon, M. & Mackay, W. (2003). Prototyping Tools and Techniques. In J. A. Jacko & A. Sears (Ed.), The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook: Fundamentals, Evolving Technologies and Emerging Applications, pp. 1006-1031. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
Cooper, A., Reimann, R. & Cronin D. (2007). About Face 3: The Essentials of Interaction Design. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Feng, P. (2000). Rethinking Technology, Revitalizing Ethics: Overcoming Barriers to Ethical Design. Science and Engineering Ethics, 6(2), 207-220.
Friedman, B. & Kahn, P.H. (1997). Human Agency and Responsible Computing: Implications for Computer System Design. In B. Friedman (Ed.), Human Values and the Design of Computer Technology. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
Friedman, B., Kahn, P.H. & Borning, A. (2002). Value Sensitive Design: Theory and Methods (UW CSE Technical Report). Seattle, WA: University of Washington.
Gaver, William W. (1991): Technology Affordances. In: Robertson, Scott P., Olson, Gary M. and Olson, Judith S. (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 91 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference, April 28 - June 5, 1991, New Orleans, Louisiana. pp. 79-84.
Lazar, J. (2007). Introduction to Universal Usability. In J. Lazar (Ed.), Universal Usability: Designing Computer Interfaces for Diverse User Populations (pp. 1-12). Chichester, West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Lidwell, W., Holden, K. & Butler, J. (2003). Universal Principles of Design: 100 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Decisions, and Teach through Design. Glouster, MA: Rockport Publications.
Marcus, A. (2003). Global and Intercultural User-Interface Design. In J. A. Jacko & A. Sears (Ed.), The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook: Fundamentals, Evolving Technologies and Emerging Applications, pp. 441-463. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
Moggridge, B. (2007). Designing Interactions. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Muller, M.J. (2003). Participatory Design: The Third Space in HCI. In J. A. Jacko & A. Sears (Ed.), The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook: Fundamentals, Evolving Technologies and Emerging Applications, pp. 1051-1068. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
Nielsen, J. (1993). Usability Engineering. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, Inc.
Norman, D. A. (1988, 2002). The Design of Everyday Things. New York: Basic Books.
Sharp, H., Rogers, Y. & Preece, J. (2007). Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction. Chichester, West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.