Assignment 3: Conceptual Design

Due: Monday, October 11, 2010

csc280: User Interfaces

Goal: Generate a huge body of design ideas for your problem area in a systematic way.


1. You will be using 5 different conceptual design methods for this assignment: Group brainstorming, Personae, Mood board, Storyboards and 1 additional of your choosing, such as affinity diagram, role-playing, mind-mapping, use cases, flow carts, etc. Select your fifth method and create a plan for how and when you will use each method.

2. Come to class on Monday 10/4 with a plan for how you are going to do the work as a collaborative project. What parts are certain individuals responsible for? What parts will you do as a group? We will discuss your plan in class..

3. Using participants is OPTIONAL for this assignment, but if you will work with any, create an informed consent form. Refer to assignment 2 for guidance.

4. Conduct your conceptual design. Create 2-3 personae, a mood board, and storyboards illustrating 4-5 interaction scenarios, at least 2 of which are alternatives for the same task.

5. Write up your conceptual design. Be sure to provide as much detail on what you did for each piece as possible. You should document your group brainstorm with pictures and narrative descriptions. You should write no more than 5 pages, single-spaced.

6. Create a presentation (at most 5 minutes) for the class that includes all 5 components of your conceptual design.

7. Tip: Don't forget about keeping a design journal. Record EVERYTHING you do in the process of completing your project. This is optional, but may be helpful in writing your final report and the report for this assignment.


0. Send an email to that describes your plan for the conceptual design (in the body of the email is fine) and bring a printout to class. This is due Monday, October 4.

1. Classroom presentation (at most 5 minutes). Please email an electronic document (Powerpoint or .pdf) to by 2:45pm the day the assignment

2. Written report (at most 5 pages, single-spaced). Please email an electronic document (Word or .rtf) to by 2:45pm the day the assignment is due AND hand in a hard copy in class.

3. 2-3 Personae. Each should be about a page and attached to your written report.

4. Mood board. Attach a photo to your written report. Bring mood board to class. Alternatively, your mood board can be a powerpoint slide. If possible, bring a color printout (if not, black and white is fine) but attach the color slide to the electronic copy of your written report.

5. Storyboards illustrating 4-5 interaction scenarios, at least 2 of which are alternatives for the same task. Attach pictures to your written report. Bring storyboards to class. (They can be in any format you choose.)

6. Don't forget to include a 5th method.

7. Individual Reflection. Your individual reflection should be a minimum of one page (single-spaced, two pages max) and detail, from your prespective, what each team member, including yourself, contributed to the assignment, what each team member did well, and what each team member could have done better and how. Also discuss what you did well as a group, and what you could have done better as a group and how. You reflection should also include how you would divide up an imaginary $500 bonus to your group and why. Be sure you understand the rules for individual reflections outlined on the syllabus. Please email an electronic document (Word or .rtf) to by 2:45pm the day the assignment is due AND hand in a hard copy in class.

