Due: Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 2:15pm
Presentations start at 2:30pm in NWSE 104 (PASTA Lab)
Goal: Carry-out an evaluation of your system and propose changes based on your results. Write-up and present your project design, development and evaluation efforts.
1. Make any changes to your protocol and prototype based on feedback on assignment 5. Remember, your prototype only need function well enough to run your study. If you are having trouble please come meet with me so we can discuss alternatives.
2. Execute your study and analyze the data collected. Draw any conclusions and propose design revisions based on the results.
5. Write-up a detailed description of the design, development and evaluation of your project (at most 12 pages). This document should contain details on all stages of the project. A reader unfamiliar with your project should understand the motivation for the project; how you came up with the idea; all the design activities you did; the artifacts you created along the way (include pictures!); the evaluation including questions, methods, results and conclusions; your proposed design revisions; and a discussion of how human values are reflected in or threatened by your project (conceptual and technical investigations of ethics).
6. Create a final presentation (at most 15 minutes) that includes a demo of your prototype and description of your design, development and evaluation. Similar to the write-up, the audience for your final presentations should understand the motivation for your project; how you came up with the idea; all the design activities you did; the artifacts you created along the way (include pictures!); the evaluation including questions, methods, results and conclusions; and your proposed design revisions. It is optional to discuss the ethics component of your project in the presentation.
NOTE: I STRONGLY encourage you to meet with me to discuss your results and final presentation.
1. Division of labor plan emailed to tartaroa@union.edu by Monday, Nov 8 .
2. Informed consent form (pdf or rtf, and hard copy).
3. Final write-up that describes the design, development and evaluation of your project (at most 12 pages single spaced, rtf or pdf and hard copy).
4. Classroom presentation that includes a demo of your prototype, description of the design and development process, and your evaluation study with results (at most 30 minutes, ppt or pdf). Again, I STRONGLY encourage you to meet with me prior to your presentation to discuss your results and presentation plan.
5. Individual reflection - you know the drill.
6. Please email all electronic document to tartaroa@union.edu by 2:15pm on Wednesday, November 17. Bring all hard copies to your presentations at 2:30pm.