Due: Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Goal: Develop an initial prototype of your system, design the goals, questions and protocols for your study, and pilot test your plan.
1. Implement the tasks from your scenarios from assignment 3, incorporating changes from your results from assignment 4.
2. Write a protocol for an evaluation study. This should detail: (a) Objectives and goals; (b) Description of the system; (c) Task environment and materials; (d) Participants; (e) Methodology; (f) Tasks, including the EXACT instructions you will give to users for each task; (g) Scripts; and (h) Measurements. Refer to the class notes from Evaluation Parts 1&2. At least one of your research questions should involve a comparison of some kind (Hint: can you somehow compare your app with another way of accomplishing the same task?). This should be about 5 pages long (single spaced).
3. Create and informed consent form. You may also want to prepare a way to thank your participants. Refer to assignment 2 for guidance.
4. Meet with me to go over the questions and current plans for your study. Email a draft of you protocol 24 hours before the meeting.
5. Pilot test your study with a minimum of 2-3 participants.
6. Make any changes to your protocol based on any problems encountered during the pilot test.
7. Create a presentation (at most 15 minutes) for the class that includes a demo of your prototype and the proposal for your study.
1. Division of labor plan emailed to tartaroa@union.edu by Monday, 11/2 .
2. Protocol draft (about 5 pages, doc or rtf). 24-hour before your meeting with me.
3. At least 2 group members must meet with me to discuss your study questions and protocol by Wednesday, 11/4.
4. Informed consent form (pdf or rtf, and hard copy).
5. Revised protocol and brief discussion of any changes based on your pilot study (pdf or rtf, and hard copy).
6. Classroom presentation that includes a demo of your prototype and presentation of your study proposal (at most 15 minutes, ppt or pdf).
7. Please email all electronic document to tartaroa@union.edu by 2:45pm the day the assignment is due. Bring all hard copies to class.