Due: Monday, October 25, 2009
Goal: Try out and test different design scenarios.
1. Create low fidelity (paper) prototypes for the tasks from your scenarios from assignment 3. There should be 4-5 implemented scenarios - 2 of which are alternatives for the same task. For one more of your tasks, create an alternative design. You should now have paper prototypes for 5-6 scenarios.
2. Write a protocal for a small, formative user study. This should detail: (a) Objectives and goals; (b) Description of the system; (c) Task environment and materials; (d) Participants; (e) Methodology; (f) Tasks, including the EXACT instructions you will give to users for each task; (g) Scripts; and (h) Measurements. Refer to the class notes from Evaluation Part 1. This should be about 3 pages long (single spaced). Hint: your research questions should help you choose between different design alternatives and reveal problems in any of your designs.
3. Create an informed consent form. You may also want to prepare a way to thank your participants. Refer to assignment 2 for guidance.
4. Run your study with a minimum of 3 participants per group memeber completing each task (ie. if there are 3 people in your group you should have at least 9 participants). If appropriate, participants can complete more than one task.
5. Write a summary of your results, interpretation, conclusions, and impact on the design of your system. This should be about 3 pages long (single spaced). Hint: Your conclusions are not only choosing between alternative designs, but also opening up new questions about the design.
6. Create a presentation (at most 5 minutes) for the class that includes: pictures and descriptions of your paper prototypes, and your study. Hint: this is a combination of your protocol - now in past tense - and the write-up of your results.
1. Division of labor plan emailed to tartaroa@union.edu by Monday, October 18 and handed in in class.
2. Protocol (about 3 pages, pdf or rtf, and hard copy). Optional: You can send to me for feedback with a 24-hour (business day) turn around.
3. Informed consent form (pdf or rtf, and hard copy).
4. Write-up (about 3 pages, pdf or rtf, and hard copy) - including results, interpretations, conclusions and impact on design.
5. Copies or photos of your paper prototypes (pdf or rtf, and hard copy).
6. Classroom presentation (at most 5 minutes, ppt or pdf). Send electronic copy by 2:45.
7. Individual Reflections - hard copy and electronic copy.
8. Please email all electronic document to tartaroa@union.edu by 2:45pm the day the assignment is due. Bring all hard copies to class.