Web Design
HTML Tag List. Be careful.
Some of these tags are from the days when HTML was doing style too.
You should be using CSS for style. Think before using.
CSS Property List:
the whole list.
Color Hex Codes for the 216 web-safe colors (plus a few more)
Color Names for colors (hex codes or RGB would be better)
Color Scheme Designer: Pick colors for your
page that go well together.
Sizzling Jalfrezi: No, not an
Indian restaurant, but a good HTML and CSS reference.
Dr. Ozone: Bleeding-edge web design using DHTML and Javascript.
And the doctor will show you how he does it too.
Web Pages that Suck: Bad color
choices, unknown links, and way-too-busy pages. Learn how to
make a good page by seeing what to avoid.
CSS Zen Garden: Shows the power of what CSS can do. Our
CSc 055 web page, with its 3 different styles, was inspired by this site.
The HTML stays the same. Only the CSS changes.
Aptana: This is the same development environment we use in class.
Get the Standalone version. For Windows, Mac, Linux.
Gimp Image Manipulation Program: We'll use this program in class.
For Windows, Linux, and
Mac OS X.
Paint.NET: Simple graphics
program. Use to make web images or resize existing pics. Windows only.
Freebyte's list of free graphics
software: Need a free graphics package for Mac or Linux? This
site has a lot.
Course Documents and Powerpoint slides