Finding paths through a maze
Imagine that the following knowledge base describes a maze. The facts determine which points are connected, i.e., from which point you can get to which other point in one step. Furthermore, imagine that all paths are one-way streets, so that you can only walk them in one direction. So, you can get from point 1 to point 2, but not the other way round.
connected(1,2). connected(3,4). connected(5,6). connected(7,8). connected(9,10). connected(12,13). connected(13,14). connected(15,16). connected(17,18). connected(19,20). connected(4,1). connected(6,3). connected(4,7). connected(6,11). connected(14,9). connected(11,15). connected(16,12). connected(14,17). connected(16,19).Download knowledge base here.
Write a predicate path/2 that tells you from which point in the
maze you can get to which other point when chaining together
connections given in the above knowledge base.
Now ask some queries. Can you get from point 5 to point 10? Which other point can you get to when starting in point 1? And which points can be reached from point 13?