CSC325 Introduction to Robotics


This seminar style course with a strong hands-on component is designed to introduce advanced computer science students to modern robotics techniques. Our seminar discussions will cover weekly readings, a mixture of primary research texts and survey papers. Over the course of the term you will have the opportunity to work on several pair-based “mini-project” labs and one pair-based final project.

Learning Objectives

We will cover the theoretical and practical aspects of robotics, introduction to the Robot Operating System (ROS), and the use of practical robot platforms. Topics will include:

  • Classical Robotics
  • Behavior Based Robotics
  • Subsumption Architectures
  • Sensing
  • Machine Vision
  • Navigation and Localization
  • Social Robotics
  • Evolutionary Robotics

Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Gather data from robotic sensors
  • Send controls to robotic actuators
  • Plan actions for robotic control
  • Implement high-level robotic tasks =

Required Text

Elements of Robotics: Mordechai Ben-Ari and Francesco Mondada


There will be readings from the course text each week. Everything should be read prior to class. One day a week will be a discussion group. The discussion will combine elements of the course text, with papers selected for the discussion. A review paper for each discussion topic is due the night BEFORE the discussion. Each review paper will be no more than 500 words.

There will be labs, which will also be the basis of problem exercises. You will complete these and hand them in, via Nexus, before the beginning of class the following week. There will be a final group project.

Class attendance and participation is a critical component of the course.



Class participation is a critical component of the course and attendance is mandatory. Please discuss any necessary absences (eg. athletics, religious holidays, emergency, illness) with me PRIOR to class. You may be asked to make up for missed material. You will not receive credit for make-up material if you did not discuss your absence with me prior to class.

Late Assignments

There are NO permissible late submissions WITHOUT prior approval from me, in writing.

Academic Integrity / Honor Code

In this class, as it’s an advanced topic class, there are slightly different rules for code and material. For reaction papers, you CANNOT share what you have written with other students. I want your reaction. For lab and group projects if you work with other students, you MUST list their names on every piece of submitted work. You can also use online resources such as ANY online resource you use MUST be documented.

To help establish mutual assurance of intellectual honesty, Union College expects students to sign the Honor Code Affirmation. Matriculation at the College is taken to signify implicit agreement with the Code.