Arjun Viswanathan

Visiting Assistant Professor
Computer Science Department
Union College
Email: viswanaa @
Office: 229 Steinmetz Hall


I'm from Hyderabad in South India. I studied Computer Engineering as an undergraduate at MVJ College of Engineering in Bangalore. Until August 2024, I was a Doctoral candidate advised by Prof. Cesare Tinelli at the University of Iowa, which is also where I have a Master's in computer science from.

Generally, my research interests lie in using formal methods tools to make software safer. My specific interests currently are in the integration of interactive theorem provers such as Coq with SMT solvers for solver reliability and proof automation.

Potential Student Research @ Union College

I would like to get undergraduate students involved in research in the areas of formal methods and programming languages. Some of the projects that I'm working on are large scale and involve the understanding and usage of specialized formal methods tools, but I believe that these could be modularized into smaller sub-projects that will be scalable for undergraduates to work on, while also providing a valuable experience. Please see this page for more details.


Automating Interactive Theorem Provers and Certifying Automated Theorem Provers
Arjun Viswanathan.
PhD Thesis, Fall 2024

Formal Verification of Bit-vector Invertibility Conditions in Coq
Burak Ekici, Arjun Viswanathan, Yoni Zohar, Cesare Tinelli, Clark Barrett.
International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS) 2023

An Interactive SMT Tactic in Coq using Abductive Reasoning
Haniel Barbosa, Chantal Keller, Andrew Reynolds, Arjun Viswanathan, Cesare Tinelli, Clark Barrett.
International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR) 2023

Beyond Model Checking of Idealized Lustre in Kind 2
Daniel Larraz, Arjun Viswanathan, Mickaël Laurent, Cesare Tinelli.
High Integrity Language Technology 2022

Synthesis of Optimal Defenses for System Architecture Design Model in MaxSMT
Baoluo Meng, Arjun Viswanathan, William Smith, Abha Moitra, Kit Siu, Michael Durling.
NASA Formal Methods 2022

Flexible Proof Production in an Industrial-Strength SMT Solver
Haniel Barbosa, Andrew Reynolds, Gereon Kremer, Hanna Lachnitt, Aina Niemetz, Andres Nötzli, Alex Ozdemir, Mathias Preiner, Arjun Viswanathan, Scott Viteri, Yoni Zohar, Cesare Tinelli, Clark Barrett.
International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning 2022

Verifying Bit-vector Invertibility Conditions in Coq (Extended Abstract)
Burak Ekici, Arjun Viswanathan, Yoni Zohar, Clark Barrett, Cesare Tinelli.
Proof eXchange for Theorem Proving (PxTP) 2019
 - was awarded the Woody Bledsoe Award for student contributions.

Datatypes with Shared Selectors
Andrew Reynolds, Arjun Viswanathan, Haniel Barbosa, Cesare Tinelli, and Clark Barrett.
International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR) 2018