9.2.1 Arithmetic terms

The arithmetic predicates introduced earlier are a good example of this. As was mentioned in Chapter 5, /, -, *, and \ are functors, and arithmetic expressions such as   2+3 are terms. And this is not an analogy. Apart from the fact that we can evaluate them with the help of is, for Prolog strings of symbols such as 2+3 really are identical with ordinary complex terms:

?- 2+3 == +(2,3).
?- +(2,3) == 2+3.
?- 2-3 == -(2,3).
?- *(2,3) == 2*3.
?- 2*(7+2) == *(2,+(7,2)).

In short, the familiar arithmetic notation is there for our convenience. Prolog doesn't regard it as different from the usual term notation.

Similar remarks to the arithmetic comparison predicates <, =<, =:=, =\=, > and >=:

?- (2 < 3) == <(2,3).
?- (2 =< 3) == =<(2,3).
?- (2 =:= 3) == =:=(2,3).
?- (2 =\= 3) == =\=(2,3).
?- (2 > 3) == >(2,3).
?- (2 >= 3) == >=(2,3).

Two remarks. First these example show why it's nice to have the user friendly notation (would you want to have to work with expressions like =:=(2,3)?). Second, note that we enclosed the left hand argument in brackets. For example, we didn't ask

2 =:= 3 == =:=(2,3).

we asked

(2 =:= 3) == =:=(2,3).

Why? Well, Prolog finds the query 2 =:= 3 == =:=(2,3) confusing (and can you blame it?). It's not sure whether to bracket the expressions as (2 =:= 3) == =:=(2,3) (which is what we want), or 2 =:= (3 == =:=(2,3)). So we need to indicate the grouping explicitly.

One final remark. We have now introduced three rather similar looking symbols, namely =, ==, and =:= (and indeed, there's also \=, \==, and =\=). Here's a summary:


The unification predicate.


Succeeds if it can unify its arguments, fails otherwise.


The negation of the unification predicate.


Succeeds if = fails, and vice-versa.


The identity predicate.


Succeeds if its arguments are identical, fails otherwise.


The negation of the identity predicate.


Succeeds if == fails, and vice-versa.


The arithmetic equality predicate.


Succeeds if its arguments evaluate to the same integer.


The arithmetic inequality predicate.


Succeeds if its arguments evaluate to different integers.

Patrick Blackburn, Johan Bos and Kristina Striegnitz
Version 1.2.5 (20030212)