Kristina Striegnitz

Computer Science
Union College
Schenectady, NY 12308
+1 518 388 6554

office: Steinmetz 227
Teaching Research Publications CV
Not Really News ...

I have co-authored a book called 'Learn Prolog Now!'. It has an online version.

I am an associate professor in the Computer Science Department at Union College.

Before moving to Union I was a postdoc in Justine Cassell's lab at Northwestern University. And before that I did a joint PhD at the Department of Computational Linguistics at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany and at Loria in Nancy, France. My advisors were Claire Gardent and Manfred Pinkal.

My research interests are in:

In fall 2024, I am teaching Programming on Purpose (CSC 120) and Data Structures (CSC 151).