Final Project
Site design due: Tuesday, November 3rd
Project due: Tuesday, November 17th
Project presentations: Tuesday, November 17th
- to combine the technologies we have studied
- to experience working on a project for real users
In groups, you will develop a car pooling site for Union College. The two target user groups are faculty and staff who are looking for car pooling partners to commute to work and students who want to share a ride when going some place for a weekend or at the end of the term.
For Inspiration
- A NYC carpooling system
- promotional document of Zimride, a company selling carpooling solutions to universities (pdf)
Site design (due Tuesday, November 3rd)
Prepare a (detailed) design document for your site. The document should include:
- A description of your site. What is the functionality you are including? What functionality are you not including? Why did you make those choices? (If you are unsure about decision and want my opinion, feel free to come talk to me. Make sure that you start thinking about these things early, so that there is time for that.)
- An outline of the content and a "sitemap" showing the logical organization of this content on your site.
- A description, preferrably in graphical form, of how the users will navigate through that content.
- Mock-ups illustrating the visual design of all major pages.
Group web space at: The path on antipasto is: /export/www/webpages/antipasto/csc240.
Subversion repository at
To check out a working copy of your group's project do (substitute your group number):
svn co svn+ssh://
Note: for the initial check out, you will be asked for your password three times.
To update, go into your working copy and do
svn update
To add a new file to the master copy, go to the directory in your working copy where the file is ad do
svn add filename
To commit any changes do
svn commit -m "short message"