Homework 3 - due Wednesday, 10/7 before class
For all problems, hand in an algorithm description as well as your Python code. Document test cases.
Some list exercises
These problems ask you to define functions. We are going to talk about that in Friday's class.
Has 'a'?
Write a function that takes a list as a parameter and returns true if that list contains the string "a".
Reverse a list
Write a Python function that takes a list as a parameter and returns a new list that has the same elements, but in reverse order.
Lots of bouncing balls
Download, run, and examine the following program: lots_of_bouncing_balls_v0.py. It creates one ball at a random position on the screen and with a random speed and lets it bounce around.
Study the code. Note that I am using a "new" representation for the ball in the code. I am using a list of four elements (x-coordinate, y-coordinate, x-speed, y-speed) to represent the position and the speed of the ball in one datastructure.
The goal for this exercise is to create a list of lots of balls and have them all bounce around.
That means changes in three places: 1) Instead of creating a single 4-tuple representing one ball, you need to create a whole list of 4-tupels, each one of which is representing a ball. 2) Instead of moving and bouncing just a single ball, you need to move and bounce all balls in your list. 3) Instead of drawing just a single ball, you need to draw all balls in your list.
Creating a list of balls.
Here is one strategy for creating a list of balls: create an empty list. Then, in a loop that repeats 10 times, add 10 elements to this list. Each element should be a 4-tuple representing a ball. Each ball should be placed at a random location and should have random speeds.
Drawing all balls in the list.
Instead of having a draw statement for just one ball, create a loop that goes through your list of balls and draws each one of them.
Move and bounce all balls.
Instead of updating the position and speed for just one ball, create a loop that goes through your list of balls and updates the position and speed for each one of them.
Submit on Blackboard.