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Kristina Striegnitz

office: Steinmetz 233
office hours: Mon 12:30-2, Wed 11:30-1, and by appointment
email: striegnk AT the usual
phone: 518 388 6554

Where and when

Tuesdays, 9:00-10:45, Olin 102
Thursdays, 9:00-10:45, Olin 102


You can find resources (reading material, tutorials, code, ...) on this web site (Check the Resources page.) and on this class' blackboard page. There is no textbook for this class.

Programming Projects

Programming projects are due every other Tuesday: 9/16, 9/30, 10/14, 10/28, 11/11. A design document is due the week before that date (except in the case of the first project).

Except for the first project, all programming projects are group projects.

Submit your design document as well as your solution on Blackboard (one submission per group). Additionally, each member of the group should individually submit a description of their role in the group work.


You will prepare 4 presentations throughout the course: 9/11 (Thu), 10/7, 10/21, 11/4.

Except for the first presentation, all presentations are done in groups.

Presentations (except for the first) should be 12 minutes long.

Each group member individually should also hand in a paper about the topic of the presentation.


programming projects: 50%
presentations: 35%
participation: 15%

Bonus: Attend the CS seminar series (cs.union.edu/seminar) and submit a one page reaction paper. This should not just be a summary of what was said, but it should include some thoughts of your own. This will add 1% to your final grade for each seminar. At most 3 seminars will cound and at least one of them must be a scientific talk from an outside guest.

Special arrangements

If you need any special arrangements for whatever reasons, please come to see me as soon as possible so that we can discuss what to do.

© 2008 Kristina Striegnitz