Union College
Spring 2009


Week 10


The final presentations are this Friday, June 5th, 3pm.

The final papers are due on Wednesday, June 10th.


Andy Hund, "Your Research Project", Chapters 1 (On playing multiple roles at the same time).

Andy Hund, "Your Research Project", Chapters 2 (On time management).

Andy Hund, "Your Research Project", Chapters 5 (On "Stoyboarding" your project).

The Scrum Primer by Deemer, Benefield, Larman, and Vodde

Randy Pausch on time management


The final paper.

Seminar Series

Follow this link for this term's seminar schedule.


Technically Speaking Videos

The APA style guide from Purdue University

Office hours:

MO 2-3
TU 9-10:30
FR 1-2

by Kristina Striegnitz