Homework exercise to prepare for class on Wednesday, March 3rd
Given code and input files
Turning the word frequency dictionary into a sorted list
The function build_word_dictionary
in build_word_frequency_dictionary.py reads in a text file and creates a dictionary that records all different words used in the text file and how often they were used. That is, the keys of the dictionary are strings (the words) and the values are numbers (the frequencies).
Sorting the words alphabetically
Write a function that takes a word frequency dictionary as parameter and returns a list containing all dictionary entries. The entries in the list should be in alphabetical order. For example, the entries for words starting with 'a' should come before the entries for words starting with 'b'.
Sorting by frequency
Write a function that takes a word frequency dictionary as parameter and returns a list containing all dictionary entries. The entries in the list should be ordered by their frequency value. That is, words that are not so frequent in the text should come before words that occur more frequently.