ESc 014

Subject to Sudden Change

Dates Tuesday Thursday Readings
April 2, 4 Review of ESc 013
switch statement
Lab 1:
Review sections 9.1-9.5
read section 4.8
April 9, 11 binary search
2-D arrays
Lab 2:
2-D arrays
Sections 11.1
April 16, 18 Big-O notation
struct, dot operator
Lab 3:
Sections 9.6-9.9
Section 11.2
April 23, 25 Call by value/reference
Scope of variables
enum, casting
review for midterm
Lab 4:
scope and
Sections 6.1-6.5, Chapter 7
April 30, May 2 MIDTERM Lab practical none
May 7, 9 Recursion Lab 5:
Section 6.6
Chapter 12
May 14, 16 assert, get and put,
header files
Lab 6:
get and put
Review Chapter 8
May 21, 23 classes Lab 7:
Chapter 10
May 28, 30 Templates
operator overloading
Lab 8:
Chapter 10
Sections 11.3, 11.7
June 4, 6 Vectors, iterators
review for final
Lab 9:
Sections 1 through 5 of Appendix H
Exam Week Final Exam: Mon, June 10, 2:30-4:30pm in Olin 110

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