CSc 538
Project Topic List
Topics are divided into categories based on the subjects we've covered
over the
last few weeks. Each topic lists one or more starting references to
help you
begin. Remember, this starting paper will be of central use to you in
the topic, but by no means should it be the only resource you consult.
Dynamic hashing
- Distributed hash tables (DHT) (taken)
- H. Balakrishnan, M. F. Kaashoek, D. Karger, R. Morris, and I.
- "Looking Up Data in P2P Systems", Communications of the ACM,
Vol. 46, No. 2, Feb. 2003
Physical database organization
- Partition Attributes Across (PAX) model
- Ailamaki, DeWitt, et al, "Weaving Relations for Cache Performance",
VLDB 2001.
- Data morphing
- Hankins, Patel, "An Adaptive Cache-Conscious Storage Technique",
VLDB 2003.
- Fractured mirrors
- Ramamurthy, DeWitt, Su, "A Case for Fractured Mirrors", VLDB 2002.
- Fates storage manager
- Shao, Schindler, Schlosser, Ailamaki, "Clotho: Decoupling memory
- layout from storage organization", VLDB 2004.
Indexes and other access methods
- CSB+ trees
- Rao, Ross, "Making B+ Trees Cache Conscious in Main
Memory", SIGMOD 2000.
- pB+ trees and fpB+ trees
- Chen et al, "Improving Index Performance through Prefetching",
SIGMOD 2001.
- Chen, Gibbons, Mowry, Valentin, "Fractal Prefetching B+
- Optimizing both Cache and Disk Performance", SIGMOD 2002.
- Making B-trees cooperate with caches
- Bender, Demaine, et al, "Cache-oblivious B-trees", FOCS 2000.
- Graefe and Larson, "B-Tree Indexes and CPU Caches", ICDE 2001.
Join algorithms
- Dynamic hash join
- DeWitt and Naughton, "Dynamic Memory Hybrid Hash Join", Tech Report
- Double pipelined hash join
- Ives, Florescu, Friedman, Levy, Weld, "An Adaptive Query Execution
- for Data Integration", SIGMOD Record, 28(2): 299-310, June 1999.
- Xjoin
- Urhan and Franklin, "Xjoin: A Reactively Scheduled Pipelined Join
- IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 23(2):7-18, 2000.
- Hash-merge join (taken)
- Mokbel, Lu, and Aref, "Hash-Merge Join: A Non-blocking Join
Algorithm for
- Producing Fast and Early Join Results", ICDE pp. 251-263, 2004.
- Progressive merge join
- Dittrich, Seeger, Taylor, and Widmayer, "Progressive Merge Join: A
Generic and Non-blocking
- Sort-based Join Algorithm", VLDB, pp.299-310, 2002.
- Radix-partitioned hash-join
- Manegold, Boncz et al, "Cache-conscious Radix-Decluster
Projections", VLDB 2004.
Adaptive query processing
- Eddies (taken)
- Avnur and Hellerstein, "Eddies: Continuously adaptive query
processing", SIGMOD 2000.
- Hellerstein, et al, "Adaptive query processing: Technology in
evolution", IEEE Database
- Engineering Bulletin, June 2000.
- The STAIRs system (taken)
- Deshpande and Hellerstein, "Lifting the Burden of History from
- Adaptive Query Processing", VLDB 2004.
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