CSc 244
Artificial Intelligence


Instructor: Prof. Chris Fernandes
Office Hours: MW 1:30-2:30, Th 1:30-3:30, or anytime my door's open!
Office: 229 Steinmetz Hall
Phone: 388-6401
Course Webpage:

Text (1 required). Available at the Bookstore:

Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 2003.

Course Summary

Artificial Intelligence is an extremely broad subfield of computer science encompassing a wide array of topics including robotics, reasoning, vision, and natural language, just to name a few. I don't want this course to be just a survey course where you learn "almost nothing about everything", so instead, we'll be going more in-depth into a fewer number of topics.

The purpose of this course is to understand how algorithmic and mathematical concepts can be used to imitate rational behavior. Course goals are:

I hope to at least cover the following topics:


The prerequisite for this course is CSc 136: Advanced Programming Techniques or the equivalent. (CSc 211 for graduate students.) We'll be drawing heavily upon this course and its predecessor (Data Structures), so get out those old notes and come talk to me during office hours if you need to review, since we won't be using class time for prerequisite material.



Academic Dishonesty

Students often have some confusion about what might or might not be considered "cheating" in a computer science class. In general, you should take advantage of your instructors and fellow students in working out solutions to assignments. However, I also need to make sure that you are actually learning, and not simply using all of these resources as a crutch. As with writing a paper for an English class, there is a point at which working together becomes plagiarism. As a rule of thumb, feel free to discuss general solutions to problems, but the writing down of an actual solution must be done solo by you. If you find yourself turning in work that looks substantially like the work of someone else, you should seriously examine whether you have crossed the line. If you have any doubts, talk to me before turning in the assignment.

In all cases, you must give credit to any source (like a written work or help from some individual) that you use to help complete an assignment. Again, this is similar to writing an English paper; if you use a quote or material from someone else, you have to give credit where credit is due. Otherwise you are inappropriately plagiarizing or borrowing ideas.

What you need to do

To prepare for class, you are required to do the following:

The Bottom Line

Ask questions and seek help. This is the most important point of all. I live to answer questions. Don't be afraid to come to my office every single day if you want. It's better for everybody (you AND me) if you understand things sooner rather than later.

Any student with a documented learning disorder is welcome to come talk to me privately about options for completion of exams and homework assignments.

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