- Means of communication between peoples using computer networks.
- Requires an account on a computer with access to a large network
- Free for Union Students with accounts on IDOL
Several computers connected together in order to:
- communicate
- share resources
- Faster due to shorter distance (usually one room)
- Primary use is resource sharing (Printers, File Servers...)
- Uses dedicated cables to connect machines together
- Example is our classroom in Olin
- A server is the main computer in a LAN whose role is to
- coordinate messages between the other computers in the LAN
- hold original software that other machines in LAN can use
- Much larger distances (therefore, slower)
- Can use satellite links or phone lines to connect nations around the world!
- Primary use is communications.
- The term "internet" in general refers to a combinations of LANs and WANs
that extends a great distance and includes many types of computers.
- The "Internet" is a specific global network that was originally a Defense
Project for U.S. (DARPA). It extends all over the world and is currently
self-run and self-policed.
- All computers on the Internet have an address
- All users (accounts) on any one computer have specific addresses
- Analogous to a Postal Address
- Format:
- username@computer.organization.type
- Examples:
- smithj@idol.union.edu
- fernandc@snarf.union.edu
- A different OS used by IDOL
- It is a Command Line Interpreter (CLI): commands typed in one
line at a time at a prompt
- UNIX is case sensitive: "Logout" is different from "logout"
- Example UNIX commands:
- cd = change directories
- ls = list files in directory
- cp = copy files
- elm = electronic mail program
- logout = end session and disconnect
- telnet = connect to remote computer
- ftp = connect to a remote computer to transfer files
- man = obtain help for UNIX command. Type man and then
the name of the command
- A web browser is not the Internet.
- A web browser is not the World Wide Web.
- A web browser is not an operating system.
- A web browser is a program whose task it is to interpret
and display World Wide Web (WWW) documents. These are documents
written in a markup language; most commonly, HTML. Common examples of
browsers are MS Internet Explorer, Netscape, Safari, Opera, and Firefox.
- A browser displays WWW files by going to where a file is located. This
is identified by a URL (Uniform Resource Locator.)
- anything in blue is hypertext: click it for more info
- use a search engine to perform a search of the WWW
- for example, Google is
a search engine.
- save a page you've found with a bookmark so you don't have to
remember the URL
- Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) uses tags to denote instructions
- tags used to denote formatting, pictures, text, sound, hypertext, etc.
- examples of tags (italicized words get replaced appropriately):
- <img src="filename"> for pictures
- <a href = "URL">hypertext</a> for a link
- <P> for a new paragraph
- not WYSIWYG so as to accommodate all browsers on all computers
- For more information, check out our own CSc 050 web tutorials
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