CSc 050
Computers and Computing
Final Grades
Intangibles like effort and improvement were considered for
borderline cases only.
"Borderline" means approximately 0.1-0.2% away from the next grade.
Explanation of statistics:
Mean: the average
Median: the "middle" score (for our class of 18, 9 are at or above the
median score and 9 are at or below the median score.)
Mode: the most common score
Grades are computed on the following scale:
- 93+ = A
- 90 - 92.99 = A-
- 87 - 89.99 = B+
- 83 - 86.99 = B
- 80 - 82.99 = B-
- 77 - 79.99 = C+
- 73 - 76.99 = C
- 70 - 72.99 = C-
- 60 - 69.99 = D
- -59.99 = F
How to use the WEIGHTED GRADE column:
This column can tell you the maximum possible
score that you can still get in the course.
If the total % currently in is, say, 30%,
and your score is 18%, then that means you
are 12% (30-18) short of the maximum. So your
maximum possible score for the entire course is
100-12 = 88% = B+. This assumes you don't lose
any more points for the rest of the term (which
is unrealistic for any human). So just treat it
as a way to figure out what is still mathematically
Hope you enjoyed the class. Happy Holidays!
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