Project 3: OpenGL Robot

Due: Wednesday, March 17, 2010, 11:30am

Checkpoint: Thursday, March 4, 2010

CSC385 - Computer Graphics

Goal: Implement an OpenGL robot that can be controlled by the user. This assignment is loads of fun! The earlier you start the more fun you'll have. Unlike previous assignments, there is no skeleton code. Rather, you'll create an OpenGL application from scratch.


The assignment is worth 100 points. The required features total 90 points. Choose options to bring your grade up to 100 or more. (Points beyond 100 are discounted as in prior assignments.)

Required Features:

Optional Features:


You should upload a zip file to Blackboard that includes the following:

There are many opengl tutorials and demos online. You MAY NOT use any code off the web unless you get explicit permission from me.

The late policy applies to this project, but you must hand in your project by the end of finals week (Friday, March 19th, 5pm). Also remember you must earn 50 points to pass the class.
