Author: Matthew Anderson ( This is a template for making LaTeX posters for CSC 498 and 499. Feel free to send me suggestions or fixes for this template. Files: + poster.tex + poster.bib + beamerposter.sty + beamerthemeconfposter.sty + Makefile + README + figs/uc_logo.eps + figs/cs_logo.png + figs/science_montage.png + figs/bats.jpg + figs/PUT_YOUR_PHOTO_HERE.png Build Requirements: + latex + make + latexmk Note: CSC lab machines have all of this software. Build Instructions: + In a terminal navigate to this directory. + Run the command make + The compiled poster is prepared in poster.pdf. I believe it is also possible to use this template with cloud services like Overleaf, but this has not been verified. Tips: + Completely fill in the content of your poster before messing around with formatting. + Replace PUT_YOUR_PHOTO_HERE.png with an actual photo of you. + The Internet has all manner of helpful LaTeX and beamer poster information. + The template is just an example you can iterate on it as much or as little as you like. However, avoid using a colored background over large portions of your poster. + beamerthemeconfposter.sty sets most of the major style options. It's basically a .CSS file for your poster. You can change colors, fonts, or margins there. + Be careful with images, they can become distorted or pixellated when rendered on a poster. It's better to draw using vector graphics like the Union College logo, and the tikz example in the poster. These can be scaled without the same distortion.