Faculty Position(s) in CS @ Union College

Union College currently invites applications for the following faculty position(s) in the Department of Computer Science:

If you have any questions, please contact the search committee at cs-jobs@union.edu.

About the Department

The Computer Science Department at Union College currently has 9 full time faculty (7 tenure-track and 2 visiting) and approximately 90 majors (graduating 20 to 25 per year).

The Department faculty often collaborate on research with each other and with colleagues in other departments at the College. In addition, you will often find us discussing teaching techniques, approaches, and examples with each other.

Computer Science majors take 12 CS courses, including a senior project, plus math cognate courses in addition to courses that satisfy the College's Complex Questions distribution requirements. The senior project is supervised by a department faculty member.

In addition, the Department has many Interdepartmental (ID) majors, who typically take 8 courses in CS and 8 in their other department. The Department has had ID majors with just about every other department on campus, including Visual Arts, Modern Languages, Economics, Biology, Classics, etc...

The Department also supports Data Analytics, Digital Media, Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, and Digital Studies minors. For more information about our curriculum, see our Courses and Requirements as well as our description of our unique introductory courses.

In addition to their senior projects, students have other opportunities to be involved in research with faculty members in the department. For example, there are College funds available to support students as Summer Research Fellows. Students working with junior faculty get priority in the competitve process, and the Department has a very good record of having students funded each summer.

A guide for applicants

Faculty members at selective liberal arts colleges (SLACs) such as Union have professional lives that can be quite different from the professional lives of the faculty at their PhD-granting institutions. Therefore, as you prepare your application materials, you should keep in mind the expectations placed on faculty at SLACs; the search committee is looking for applicants who will succeed in the role.

The following are links to published articles and blog posts about expectations of faculty and of applicants for faculty positions at SLACs:

Required application materials

Applicants should submit the following with their application:

Applicants should also submit an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV) and provide the names and contact information of three (3) references. If possible, try to have at least one recommender who can speak to your experience or promise as an educator.