A major obstacle in publishing a website is developing a well-designed user interface for the content being published. The World Wide Web democratizes publishing by providing an open platform on which even amateur web publishers can communicate, but a welldesigned website remains less accessible to amateur publishers. Past research has focused on finding quantitative heuristics that could be used to provide useful design feedback to nonprofessional web designers. By analyzing the well-defined functions for displaying content in WordPress themes, as well as the CSS style sheets from those themes, a WordPress theme’s design can be heuristically evaluated. The result of this evaluation can provide the theme’s designers with feedback and suggestions for design improvement. For this research project, the following heuristics measured: color quantity, color contrast, balance, density of content, font size, and font quantity. Data was collected for over 200 WordPress theme designs and analyzed for these heuristics. The feedback that this automated system provides was then compared to a human heuristic evaluation, to assess the value of the feedback that the automated system provides.