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Exercise 7.1
Suppose we are working with the following DCG:
s --> foo,bar,wiggle.
foo --> [choo].
foo --> foo,foo.
bar --> mar,zar.
mar --> me,my.
me --> [i].
my --> [am].
zar --> blar,car.
blar --> [a].
car --> [train].
wiggle --> [toot].
wiggle --> wiggle,wiggle.Write down the ordinary Prolog rules that correspond to these DCG rules. What are the first three responses that Prolog gives to the query
Exercise 7.2
The formal language
consists of all the strings in
except the empty string. Write a DCG that generates this language.
Exercise 7.3
be the formal language which contains all strings of the following form: an unbroken block of as of length n followed by an unbroken block of bs of length 2n, and nothing else. For example, abb, aabbbb, and aaabbbbbb belong to
, and so does the empty string. Write a DCG that generates this language.
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