*root-of-resources* "C:\\Eigene Dateien\\kpml\\Resources\\" ;; change this line to show where the resources are to be kept. *local-root-of-resources* "A:\\" *all-languages* (:titles :mini-english) *curlan* :titles *ml-loading-mode* :multilingual *versioning* T *editing-protocol* nil *startup-windows* :all *load-patches* nil ;; set NIL to suppress patch loading *load-site-specifics* nil *monochrome* :color kpml-i::*kpml-editing-method* ((:system . :kpml)(:chooser . :kpml)(:inquiry . :kpml)(:spl-term . :emacs)(:inq-impl . :emacs)(:lexeme . :kpml)) ;; The following are backup places for information while KPML is ;; working and for your exmaple runs. Either change these to ;; some other values are make sure that you do have a C:\tmp ;; directory available! kpml-i::*default-kpml-hardcopy-directory* "C:\\tmp\\" ;; temp hardcopy files *example-runner-results* "C:\\tmp\\" ;; where example runs are put ;; The following will cause Lispworks to break when it attempts to ;; change the frame layout if it were set T and the user collects ;; some features. kpml-i::*show-collecteds* nil *loading-saving-profile* (:resource-patches :systems :default-orderings :lexemes)