Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Lecture 5


%% Base case: the list has one element.
%% The maximum must be this element as there are no other elements
%% which could be bigger. 

%% Two recursive clauses which compute the maximum of the tail and
%% then compare the result to the head.
%% First case: the head is greater than the maximum of the tail. The
%% head is the maximum of the whole list.
max([Head|Tail],Max) :- max(Tail,TailMax),
                        Head > TailMax,
                        Max = Head.

%% Second case: the head is smaller or equal to the maximum of the
%% tail. The maximum of the tail is the maximum of the whole list.
max([Head|Tail],Max) :- max(Tail,TailMax),
                        Head =< TailMax,
                        Max = TailMax.

This definition is not very efficient. When asked the query max([3,45,3,6,7,4,33,4,98],M), for example, Prolog will first try to use the second clause of the definition. This involves a recursive call for computing the maximum of the tail [45,3,6,7,4,33,4,98]. This yields 98, which is greater than 3 (the head of the input list). So the test Head > TailMax fails. Prolog starts to backtrack and tries the last clause, which means that it has to compute the maximum of the tail again. You will see how to define a more efficient version of max in a later exercise.

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