Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Lecture 5


  • father_of(Father,Child) and mother_of(Mother,Child):
    Fathers are male parent and mothers are female parents.
  • grandfather_of(Grandfather,Child) and grandmother_of(Grandmother,Child):
    X is a grandfather of Y if X is a father of Z and Z is a parent of Y. X is a grandmother of Y if X is a mother of Z and Z is a parent of Y.
  • sister_of(Sister,Person) and brother_of(Brother,Person):
    X is a sister of Y if X is female and Z is a parent of both X and Y.
  • aunt_of(Aunt,Person) and uncle_of(Uncle,Person):
    X is an aunt of Y if X is a sister of Z and Z is a parent of Y.


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