Can Computers Think?
Introduction to Computer Science

CSC 106
Union College
Winter 2010

Presentations on a topic related to artificial intelligence

This assignment has two parts:

The presentation

Your presentation should not just be a listing of examples. There should be one main point that you make and provide evidence for or one main question that you answer. There should also be at least one AI concept for which you explain how it works. That is, it is not enough to just show applications of AI, you also have to explain how they work. Come talk to me with an outline of your presentation, if you want some feedback on the structure of the presentation or if you are unsure about the level of detail required when explaining how things work.

The essay

Like the presentation, your essay should not just be a listing of examples. It should make a specific claim and argue for it or it should answer one specific question. And it should not only describe applications of AI, but explain how they work.

Submit on Blackboard

Upload your group's slides onto Blackboard by Friday of week 10. (Each group only needs to upload the slides once.)

Upload your essay onto Blackboard by the last day of finals, that is Thursday of finals week.