CSc 335

Project 1 -- Break that Code
Due Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Your Mission

In this project, you'll start to analyze and use the Nachos system to test out a multi-threaded program. Using your doubly-linked list from the last project, you will create a program where multiple threads use a shared linked list simultaneously. Finally, you'll set up situations to cause your linked list to produce incorrect results (or even crash!) By doing this, you'll demonstrate how concurrency can cause serious problems -- and motivate the need for protection mechanisms.

Setting Up NACHOS

The first step is to get a copy of Nachos, compile it, and run the test program to see how it currently does multi-threading. Log into antipasto and get a terminal window so you can run commands. If you're on one of the PASTA machines, log into antipasto after logging into your home account with ssh (secure shell):

ssh <username>@antipasto

where you replace <username> above with your username.

  1. Use the cp -R command to copy the following directory and everything inside it into your own antipasto account:


  2. Then use chmod to reset the permissions on this directory so that only you (the owner) can read and modify it. Remember to use man pages for help with commands like cp and chmod!

  3. The files in the threads subdirectory will be the main ones you'll work with in this project. So make threads the current directory.

  4. Type

    make depend

    while being in the threads directory. As you read in the makefile tutorial, this readies the makefile by creating the correct dependencies which determine when a file must be recompiled.

  5. Compile the code in this directory by typing make. You'll see the g++ compiler do its thing with a bunch of files (and spit out a bunch of deprecated and other warnings -- which you should ignore). The last thing that should be echoed back to you when running the makefile is a linking of all the object (*.o) files.

  6. A nachos executable should appear in your directory. (List the directory contents to be sure.) Run it by typing nachos. You may have to type ./nachos if the current directory is not in your path. If it worked, you should see a program that creates two threads and bounces back and forth between them as they each iterate through a loop various numbers of times. Congrats. You've just run your first program on the Nachos simulator.
Now it's time to dive into the Nachos source code to understand what just ran and how it works. The threads directory contains a bunch of files that you should study to understand the output you just saw. Find the main function where the program starts and begin tracing through the code. Use grep to help you search for keywords in various files so you can follow the trail.

On a separate piece of paper, answer the following questions:

  1. What function is responsible for printing things like thread 0 looped 3 times? What file is this in?
  2. What function makes Nachos suspend the current thread and (re)start the other?
  3. In what function is the secondary thread actually Forked? Explain what the two arguments of the Fork line are actually doing in the context of this program.
  4. You can turn on DEBUGging flags with the -d option when running Nachos. Turn on the one that shows thread debugging statements and run Nachos again (you'll have to read comments to figure out how to do this). According to these debugging statements, what are the names of the two threads?
  5. In what function (and in what file) is the primary thread being created? Hint: once you know the name of the primary thread, use grep to search for all instances of it.
  6. When a new thread is created with Fork, does that new thread start immediately? If so, where is this happening? If not, what happens to this new thread once Forked? Explain how you determined this.

You'll be turning in your answers as part of a writeup for this project.

Part 1: Make your own multi-threaded program

Create a new file called that contains a function modeled on the ThreadTest function located in This function, call it DLListTest(), will run various concurrency tests using a shared doubly-linked list depending on what test number it is given.

For your first test, make a function that creates a certain number of threads (you can hard code this number, but make it easy to change). Each thread should do the following:

  1. Call AddN() (from the last project) a certain number of times. Again, you can hard code this number, but make it easy to change. This will add n nodes to the list. Print the list after n nodes have been added.
  2. This thread should then suspend itself and allow another thread to proceed.
  3. Finally, call RemoveN() the same number of times that it called AddN() previously. Print each item removed. Print the list after n nodes have been removed.
If this were just a single-threaded program, this code would remove exactly what it had just inserted. But with multiple threads, each thread has the possibility of removing different nodes than what it had originally inserted. Make sure you understand why!

Before trying to compile this, you must tell Nachos that you have new files that it must take into account ( plus all of the doubly-linked list files from the last project. Be sure all of these files are in the threads directory.) The g++ compiler knows what files to compile by what is listed in the Makefile.common file in the code parent directory. Take a look at it now and find the lists of *.h and *.cc files that it uses to compile. Make the following changes:

Then, go back into the threads directory and type

make depend

so that Nachos will recognize the changes in Makefile.common. Remember, whenever you want Nachos to compile new files of your own making, you must add them to Makefile.common in the parent directory, go back to the correct subdirectory, and then type make depend. Only then will the makefile be ready to compile.

PITFALL ALERT: This section may have seemed like it was presented in a very step-by-step manner, but I've actually left out a lot of nuances related either to C++ or Nachos. It is your responsibility to read through documentation and look at other files in the threads directory to fill in details. And ask for help from your classmates and myself!

Debug your code until it works. Congratulations! You now have a program where multiple threads are inserting and deleting from a shared data structure. By varying the number of threads and the number of times AddN() and RemoveN() are called, you can make the threads interact in different ways. But this test doesn't cause the code to work incorrectly...yet.

Part 2: Break it down

As we've seen in class, there are places where a context switch may happen that will cause shared variables to change (or not change) inappropriately. In this part, your job is to cause those kinds of errors to occur.

  1. First, think of interleavings involving your linked-list code that would cause errors to occur. You must think of at least four (4) different types of errors.

  2. For each error, cause it to occur by adding another test case to your DLListTest() function. In a real OS, you don't get to control where context switches occur, but in Nachos you can! Use the currentThread->Yield() function, which will yield control to a waiting thread.

    You may think of situations where you want one thread to get to a particular location in your code and then yield, but then a second thread will get to that same point in your code but should not yield. That is, you may want to specify a point in your code for a yield to happen conditionally, i.e. it should happen for one thread but not another. To handle this, I recommend implementing a 2-D array of booleans called yieldData. Position yieldData[i][j] represents what should happen at location j in the code once that location has already been reached i times. If true, the thread should yield. Otherwise, it should not. You will also need to keep track of the number of times each location of interest has already been reached.

    Then, in your test case, you can initialize the yieldData array so that yielding will happen where and when you want it. At the location where you want conditional yielding to occur, just call YieldIfShould():

    void YieldIfShould(int loc)
      // Given this unique location, loc, this function
      // yields the current thread if it ought to.  It knows
      // whether to do this or not by consulting the yieldData array.

    Now you can set up points in your code where different threads may or may not yield when they reach those points. This will open up many more possibilities of interleaving errors for you.

  3. Finally, document your test cases in the writeup you started earlier for this project. Each test case should contain

Remember, you need at least four different types of errors.

Note: When you move on to a new test case, please do not remove calls to YieldIfShould in your code that dealt with previous test cases. You can "disable" those locations simply by putting falses in the right places in the yieldData array. When I grade this, I should be able to simply run your test cases straight away in any order.


This project is worth 50 points:

On paper, please turn in your writeup and source code for all code you have written for this project. (Do not print out Nachos files that have not changed.) You should also turn in a copy of the output for all five test cases (one case for Part 1, four cases for Part 2).

Electronically, you will be submitting your entire code directory to me. Submit it using the submit script you used in the last project:

/home/csc335pub/submit csc335 <full path to your code directory>

Having trouble? Don't wait until the last minute! Come see me and get your $80 worth.

Administrative statement

Programming assignments, like homework assignments, are individual projects. I encourage you to talk to others about the general nature of the project and ideas about how to pursue it. However, the technical work, the writing, and the inspiration behind these must be substantially your own. If any person besides you contributes in any way to the project, you must credit their work on your homework. Similarly, if you include information that you have gleaned from other published sources, you must cite them as references. Looking at, and/or copying, other people's programs or written work is inappropriate, and will be considered cheating.
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